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Night Crawler 67

A member registered Aug 28, 2020

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(1 edit)

Really nice game, I really enjoyed it. I see there are plans for the future and I'm looking forward to what is coming next. I love the fact that you can play with low, medium and high grind and also that you can use cheats, I hope it does not get removed and all the character get this ability. Overall, great jod!

So, I liked the game so far. But i have to mention that the story is  slow and the inner thoughts sometimes are too much. There are little bugs with the dialogues for example when are inner thought or interaction with the characters and a little problem with the names. Also, I felt like the father and son dialogues are written by the same person. I mean that there are diffences but also some similarities that i feel i play the same character again.  Althought I'm looking forward for the next release because I liked the story.